Study in the U.S.

Student Health and Safety

The United States welcomes over one million international students to its university campuses each year and makes it a top priority to ensure they have a positive experience while studying on U.S. campuses. To provide students with a stress-free learning environment and a home away from home, U.S. universities have established processes and systems that protect student well-being.

The U.S. higher education system is among the oldest and finest in the world. This essentially means that U.S. higher education institutions have established, improved, and evolved their systems of teaching and student services to offer a world class learning environment, which is agile and adaptive. This is particularly evident when we look at the safety and security measures in place for all students.

Most U.S. campuses have security features such as:

  1. Identification Cards: All students are issued identity cards that permit entry into certain parts of campus and restrict unauthorized entry to others. On-campus housing is also managed through resident cards that allow entry only into students’ respective dormitories and apartments.
  2. Campus Safety Departments: U.S. universities have well-trained campus safety personnel who provide patrolling, traffic management, and general law enforcement on campus, oftentimes with formal agreements with local police.
  3. Emergency Phone System: Most U.S. campuses have blue light emergency telephone systems that are linked to local law enforcement. Through the blue light telephone system, the administration ensures students receive immediate help when in danger. These blue light emergency posts are located at all prominent locations across campus and are operational round-the-clock.
  4. Shuttle Service and Escort System: U.S. campuses may run shuttles or mini buses throughout campus for students to safely travel from one part of campus to another. Universities may also offer a service for students to request an authorised member of the security staff escort them to and from any location on campus at night.
  5. Student Health Services: Student health services and health centers offer quality and timely healthcare to all students. All international students are expected to purchase medical insurance, from private providers or through the university. In case of need, students can also access facilities like doctors/nurses on call.
  6. Mental health wellbeing: U.S. universities have teams of excellent counselors and psychologists adept at providing quality and culturally sensitive counselling and therapy. This ensures that students receive emergency and long-term psycho-social support required for their personal and academic development.

Students and parents should not hesitate to ask U.S. universities to share information about the measures their campuses have taken to ensure student health and safety. These and other questions can also be answered as prospective students meet with EducationUSA advisors who can help identify specific safety and security measures for the universities you may be considering.

Learn more about the safety features offered by two U.S. universities here: