Ramesh Prasad Badoni
Grant Category: Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers
Project Title: Development of Science Lesson Using ICT Tools for High School Student of Rural Indian Society
Field of Study: Science
Home Institution: Government Inter College Misraspatti, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Host Institution: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ  
Grant Start Month: August, 2021
Duration of Grant: Four months

Ramesh Prasad Badoni
Brief Bio:

Mr. Ramesh Prasad Badoni is a physics lecturer at Government Inter College, Misraspatti, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. With a master’s degree in education and physics, and 15 years of experience in classroom teaching, he has been working on the development of e-content and online courses with NCERT-CIET India since 2012.

He represented his state in the Japan-Science Sakura Program held in Japan in 2019 to encourage a future of innovative education for students who are academically meritorious. He is contributing to the State Governor’s house for the welfare of socio-economically deprived children.

He is the recipient of two prestigious national awards given by the President of India in 2019 and 2012 for his excellent work in teaching and integration of ICT. He also received an appreciation certificate for his project work in ICT by the State Education Minister and Government of India.

Through his Fulbright project, Ramesh is developing innovative science lessons using ICT tools for high school students of remote areas so they can have curriculum based digital lessons available in different formats, such as videos, simulations, interactives, audios, and printable documents. The project will be helpful for teachers in India and will improve the learning outcomes of the students.
