Aditi Kantipuly
Grant Category: Fulbright-Nehru Student Research Program
Project Title: Using Childhood Glaucoma as a Model to Study the Management of Rare Diseases in India
Field of Study: Public Health
Home Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Host Institution: Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu  
Grant Start Month: August, 2015
Duration of Grant: Nine months

Aditi Kantipuly
Brief Bio:

Ms. Aditi Kantipuly is passionate about bridging the gap between the laboratory and the hospital bed and using her career as a physician-scientist to focus on rare diseases and have a global impact. Ms. Kantipuly’s experience in the realms of both clinical and basic science research at Johns Hopkins University and the Mayo Clinic, combined with her post-graduate education at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, has provided a valuable academic foundation that has supported her career trajectory. Published in several academic peer-reviewed journals, she credits her success not only to her mentors and professors, but also the patients and families affected by rare diseases, whose resilience in spite of adversity is a source of constant inspiration. As part of her drive to continue her personal education, she enjoys TED talks and being involved with community outreach. 

Meaningful opportunities exist to investigate the management of rare diseases in India, home to 20% of 350 million rare disease patients affected worldwide. Using congenital glaucoma as a model, Ms. Kantipuly is assessing the challenges facing rare disease patients in India with the hope of achieving greater recognition and support at the national level. In order to construct a sustainable bridge between rare disease patients and physicians, she is also assessing challenges facing the healthcare system in both rural and urban areas.