Ms. Sarah Carson

Grant Category: Fulbright-Nehru English Teaching Assistantship Program
Field of Specialization: Education
Name: Ms. Sarah Carson       
Official Address: Dartmouth College
New Hampshire
Indian Host Institution: Kendriya Vidyalaya 4, Dum Dum Road,
Seven Tanks, Kolkata
Duration of Grant & Start Date : 9 months
July 4, 2011

Brief Bio:
Sarah Carson graduated summa cum laude with High Honors from Dartmouth College in June 2010. In her final year she was granted a senior fellowship, which allowed her to conduct a full-year, archival research project and thesis about the global influence of colonial forestry programs in South Africa. At Dartmouth she was active in research, writing and tutoring, working as a grading assistant and a writing assistant in freshman seminars and in the student writing center. She was a Presidential Research Scholar and a two-time recipient of Dean of Faculty research grants. Her personal research has focused on the history of human interactions with their environments, especially in regard to pre-World War II conservation movements. She has been involved in outdoor and environmental education, as a leader in summer camps and school programs at her family's canoe and kayak rental business, and as the Assistant Manager of the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge in the White Mountains of New Hampshire in 2010. She was also an Eating Disorder Peer Advisor and Vice President of the Dartmouth chapter of Active Minds, an organization dedicated to raising awareness of mental health issues in the community. She was recognized in 2009 with a Dartmouth Health Resources special award for her peer education work in mental health.

Ms. Carson is very interested in educational equality. This interest arose during an alternative spring break program where she worked with migrant farm workers and their disadvantaged, often undocumented families in Florida. She has worked for the Education Opportunity Fund as a mentor for five first-generation college students who graduated from the Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics in 2010, counseling them weekly on academics, time management and other problems that arise in their college experiences.