Professor Sital Kalantry

Grant Category: Fulbright-Nehru Senior Researcher
Field of Specialization: Law
Name: Professor Sital Kalantry  
Official Address: Cornell University Law School
Ithaca, New York
Indian Host Institution: Jindal Law School
Sonipat, Haryana
Duration of Grant & Start Date : Duration: 4 months
January 2012

Brief Bio:
Professor Sital Kalantry is an Associate Clinical Professor at Cornell Law School where she directs the international human rights clinic and is the co-founder and Faculty Director of the Avon Global Center for Women and Justice at Cornell Law School. Her research focuses on the implementation and enforcment of human rights laws and norms. She has written on the use of quantitative data (indicators) to enhance the enforcement of economic, social, and cultural rights. As a clinical professor, she supervises students in litigation in international and foreign courts, including Indian High Courts, the Colombian Constitutional Court, and the European Court of Human Rights. She has published, among other places, in the National Law Journal, Human Rights Quarterly, and the Stanford Journal of International Law. Prior to joining Cornell Law School, she was a visiting clinical lecturer at Yale Law School where she co-taught a clinic focusing on national security and civil liberties. She also practiced private international law at two major international law firms. She received a J.D. from University of Pennsylvania Law School, a M.Sc. from the London School of Economics, and a B.A. from Cornell University.

For her Fulbright-Nehru grant Professor Kalantry will conduct an empirical study of Indian Supreme Court (SOI) cases with a focus on public interest litigation (PIL) in India. PIL allows a person to bring a lawsuit if she believes there has been a violation of fundamental rights. The SOI developed the PIL mechanism in recognition that the justice system was not delivering justice to marginalized groups. However, a widespread perception exists in India that PIL is being misused to further private interests. She will be using empirical and qualitative methodologies, for her research.
